Kontakt library creator for mac. What Can You Draw ?

PlayMaker Pro enables you to create PlayMaker documents, where each document contains one or more pages, and you can draw one or more plays on each page. You can create as many documents, pages, and plays as you want. You start out with a blank page, (approximately 8 inches X 10 inches) and get to lay it out however you like. You have total creative freedom.

PlayMaker Pro lets you create and manipulate 4 types of objects on a page, including:

Playmaker Templates Word

1. Sets of Player Symbols
2. Lines
3. Boxes
4. Text

There are a wide variety of options you can use for each player symbol, line, box, or piece of text. Everything you draw with PlayMaker is just a combination of players, lines, boxes, and text. Lines are drawn to depict routes, blocks and passes. Boxes can be filled with dividers, football fields, basketball courts, hockey rinks or soccer fields.

Click Here to learn more about Player Symbols

Click Here to learn more about Lines

Click Here to learn more about Boxes

Playmaker Pro Templates

Click Here to learn more about Text

Playmaker Templates Online

Productivity Functions

PlayMaker Pro has a variety of functions to help you be more productive while building your drawings. Using PlayMaker Pro's Library, you can create templates for page layouts, formations or individual plays to build document pages faster. You can duplicate and reverse a play to create the mirror image play in seconds.

Click Here to learn about Drawing Faster

Click Here to learn about Exporting Drawings for Hudl Presentations